Footprint Press Issue 10Contents:
Dr. Marvin Rosenau- The Fraser River Gravel Reach
Dr. David Suzuki- Working with Nature can protect us from floods
Leanne Hodges- Pinks Moving Upstream
David Hancock- The Chehalis Flats Bald eagle and Salmon preserve- A new local initiative
Dr. Ken Malquisten- The Raccoons in the Neighbourhood
Val Pack-Species at risk- The elusive ghost flower “Phantom Orchid”
Tracy Lyster- Sprawl report
Betty Joe- Raccoon masks

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Footprint Press Issue 9
Phyllis Young- The Ecological and Economic value of Native Pollinators
Taylor McPherson- The trials and exhilarations of starting a small farm
Jocelyn Durston- Adventures in permaculture: Building a permaculture food system in Maple Ridge, B.C.
Tracy Lyster- Sprawl report
Aurash Yazdgerdian- Salmon farms threaten wild salmon returns
Eddie Gardner- Chilliwack chapter of Atlantic farmed salmon feedlot boycott
Val Pack– On silent wings: Barn Owls
Doug Youngson- Bad to the bone

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David Hancock- Bald Eagles of BC
Chrissy Courtney- Salmon spawn
Angela Zimmerling- To the Fraser’s fish
Jack Emberly- Dear Enbridge
Lynn Perrin- Environmental concerns about the Kinder Morgan pipeline
Val Pack- Fraser River White Sturgeon
Tony Rees- Political landscape of gravel mines

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