Bruce Klassen

Bruce KlassenBruce Klassen and his wife Eileen have been residents of Silverdale, Mission since 1988. An avid photographer, specializing in nature and macro images, Bruce draws his creative inspiration from the beautiful and abundant threatened biodiversity that is found in the 5 acre woodland in which he stewards. Bruce has been CAUSS’ photographer since its inception 10 years ago. He was also the photographer for the Fraser Valley Bald Eagle Festival. His photos of community events have been featured in the Mission Record and Times newspapers.

Bruce is highly active in the conservation movement and is a long standing member of the Central Valley Naturalists, CAUSS, Mission of Streams, Silverdale Wetlands Committee, Stave Valley Salmonoid Enhancement Society and the Streamkeepers. In addition to his photographical contributions, Bruce is active in civic affairs including member of the Mission Heritage committee, the Mission Official Community Plan planning committee, and Mission’s Environmental Charter committee.